Exercise to lose weight for women at home.

What to do if you want to lose weight, and visit the fitness club is not possible? A good result is achievable at home. You must complete all of the days of the fat burning exercises for the whole body and adhere to a moderate regime for weight loss.


Effective exercises for weight loss

For weight loss, you need to change the sedentary way of life, slowing down the metabolism more active. In the morning, it is necessary to start with a load, and for training in the house to allocate a half-hour of time in the evening. In the course of the day use any opportunity to exercise. For the fat burning useful to replace a trip in the elevator climbing stairs, and before bedtime to commit a short hike. Of exercises for the whole corset of muscle will tone the body and the aesthetic of thinness and the preservation of the health, it is important to adhere to the simple recommendations:

  • Remove the power supply of pastries and bread from the higher ranks of the flour.
  • To cook food in steam, or boil.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  • At night do not eat the last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink clean water.

Exercises for the whole body – slimming and keeping fit is a sine qua non. When developing an exercise program at home, you must take into account in a targeted manner to the development of the issues and state of health. Instructor experienced professionals recommend to use effective exercises for strengthening the body slimming and muscles.


the fold

"Grades before" one of the most effective detection of movements to strengthen the body slimming and the back. To treat the muscles, straightening the spine, it is necessary to regularly get up on the "Bridge". The information and the raising of paddles improve the blood circulation in the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, as well as reduce the tissue layer cervico-zone. A year of "Belt-traction of the dumbbell vigorously burns fat through the use of the larger muscles of the back and the Boat excels with the cellulite on the back.

The chest

"Lying dumbbell lying" make it work the two types of fiber, which helps to lose weight without losing muscle mass. The exercise "push-ups on the wall" women are capable of making a large number of repetitions, in order to ensure that the intensity required for the burning of fat. Systematic execution of exercises to Sec arm" support muscle tone and the static load when the "you push on the palms," adds the chest of the elasticity. The compliance regime is the determining factor of the thinness of the women of the chest and physical activity contributes to the preservation of a beautiful shape.

The feet

For weight loss of the legs, as well as to treat muscles throughout the body using different variations of the exercise "Squat". Slots on the side is well take care of the outside legs. An exercise of the "Scissors" or the compression of the ball, the knees will be resulting in the muscles to burn the fat on the internal surface of the thigh. The regular performance of an exercise "Bike" generates an area of knee and looking at the joints. Calf raises, standing or seated, will help to reduce the swelling and give the tibia of the topography.


The thighs

Selegiline on a stool with the rise of knee high — effective exercise for weight loss legs. Short slots deliberately load the hip, give you a relief. When requires particular attention from the inner surface, inside of the exercise, you should add "Plie squat". To burn fat on the outer side of the thigh it must do mahi foot in the ribs upright.

The buttocks

Exercise "deadlifts" good for the muscles of almost the entire body and increases the tonus of the gluteal muscles. Intensive lose weight the buttocks, you must perform a "Diversion legs back, and wide cracks. "Hyperextension a good alternative to bower traction, the exercise does not load the knees and the quadriceps. "Butt bridge" successfully grown the volume of muscles, and also helps to reduce the tissue layer on the back and buttocks. The activity "Walking" on the buttocks" that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, and mulling over the ischio leg.


Backlinks push-ups with support on a chair or the edge of the couch, superbly exert a zone of triceps, and remove the fat under the armpits. A variety of options for bending hands to tone and strengthen the front of the group of muscles of the shoulder. The exercise of the "Scissors" and "Rotation crescent", on a regular basis to burn the fat to the surface of the hands. "Bench press dumbbells to the top" involves triceps, trapezoid muscles and deltoids, creates a beautiful form of the shoulder girdle.

The belly

Common "Twist", a wonderful assimilate the top of the press and of the exercise "reverse crunch" reduced the tissue layer and strengthens the muscles of the lower part of the abdomen. "Lateral and oblique twist", emphasize the size and activity "of the Slopes in the parties" eliminates the deposits of fat on the sides. "The circular rotation of the legs in a complex way have an impact on the muscles of the press. To tighten the bulging belly, should automatically be a year of "Vacuum".

the training of the neck


For slim and attractive size, it is necessary to make "Twists of the torso, in part," or "the Mill", which are oblique intensely to decrease. A year of "Rotation of the legs lying on the ground actively burns the fats in the business sector, and strengthens the press. "The bridge" and "leg Elevation lying on the side of" good tone muscles side and reduce the coverage of the size.


For the proper execution of the exercises, you have to put your feet about shoulder-width apart, placing them in the same plane with the knees. The back keep the right, from the hollow in the back, hands along the body. Reduce the shoulder-blade on the basin in the rear, and on the inspiration to sit down. The thighs rotate the crank up to make the parallel with the ground and the weight of the body should be postponed on the heel. Up, exhaling at the top of the climb. By performing squats, it is necessary to control the key points:

  • In a lower position on his knees not to go out front of the foot.
  • We can't get up on the socks.
  • It is prohibited rounding the upper back and the lower back.
  • During the climb should not be reduced to his knees.


At the beginning of the year to put feet on the width of the basin, after which, taking a step forward and gently squat down. Transfer the load on the front of the foot, the other pull and the snap on the walker texas ranger-michel. Smooth back natural hollow in the back, the palm is on the belt. The articulation of the knee of the working leg is flexed to 90°, and the experience of a high workload, that is why it is important to avoid the lip on the knee to the walker texas ranger-michel of the foot. Exhale, go up and put the hand to the leg next to the reference.


The starting point for the pumps is based lying on the direct of the hand, with a staging to the width of the shoulders. The distance between the feet has no impact on the performance of push-ups. The body keeping it smooth, tender buttocks and abs. Folding his arms, breathe deeply, and touch the breast sex. Gently exhale during the lifting of the body. During the execution of the exercise it is important to:

the training of the muscles of the neck
  • Observe the staging of the palms at the level of the middle of the chest.
  • Not to admit the curvature of the back.
  • Avoid a strong dilution of the elbows and sag at the thighs.

"The jump"

In order to prevent a variety of injuries, before making jumps need training ankles and knee. In the basic position put your feet together, hands along the body. The shoulders of the swallow press to strengthen the back, keep to the right and a little painful. Explosive effort, the muscles of the thigh and leg to push the body up, and pulling the foot. Land on the socks, slightly spring the knees.

The lifting of the foot

For exercise, you must lie on your back and apply it firmly to the bottom of the back, the hands to put the long body. The effort of the muscles of the press, tear off the hips from the floor and, exhaling raise up to an angle of 60°. Holding the feet at the top 2 seconds and on the inspiration, omit, do not touch the heels of sex. So as not to reduce the work load, you can't head off the ground. For beginners and women with lower abdominal, it is necessary to begin with the game by way of mounted legs.


Important: the exercise is done only on a hard surface. Lie on your back, bend from the hips and reach the hands along the body. The palm placed under the buttocks to put the foot on the ground. Doing the breathing, lifting of the legs and pull the socks. The strength of the muscles of the press keep feet above the ground, at an angle of 30°-90°. First remove the legs by hand, after which reduce, and cross.



Lie on the back, the fingers of the hand to concatenate in the castle for the head and elbows melt into the hand. Beginners are allowed to cross the arms on the chest. Bend the hips and put the shin on a piece of furniture. Exhale, twist the body and pull it to the top of the shoulders to the pelvis. You must complete all of the days of the fat burning exercises for the whole body and adhere to a moderate regime for weight loss. In the final position, the spin the service rounded according to a, and the muscles of the press is greatly reduced. We can't reduce the elbows and bend the neck and put the chin towards the chest. On an inspiration return the body to the horizontal.

A hitch

After loading it is necessary to normalize the pulse, lower the heart rate, and relieve tension of the nervous system. Well made hitch, and contributes to a rapid recovery after the effort, and the recovery of abbreviations of muscles is in its original state. Stretching will improve the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles, improve the blood circulation in the body, and to contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body.

Effective for the coupling it is necessary to perform movements and exercises:

  • "Vertigo";
  • Snuggle up to the elbow-to-elbow;
  • Pull the elbow behind the back;
  • The slopes are angled, or with support;
  • Flatten the hands behind the back;
  • The stretch marks of the door;
  • The exercises of the "Crescent moon" and "Cobra";
  • Pull the leg towards the back.

"Training program"



At the beginning of the week it is necessary to pass weight training exercise to strengthen the muscles, so that the body after a weekend well-restored. Before the training session, you must spend 15 minutes of the active face of the whole body workout to prepare the muscles and the ligaments of the next charge. All of the exercises to perform 15 repetitions in 3 approaches. The main training consists of exercises for all the muscle groups:

  • "Deep squat";
  • "Wide slots — number of repetitions are done on each leg;
  • "The traction bar of the dumbbell — it is necessary to make each hand of 15 repetitions;
  • "Push-ups";
  • "Bench press dumbbells upward";
  • "The bending of hands with dumbbells";
  • "Torsion";
  • "The rise of the feet."

For aerobic exercise, well adapted to jumping rope, it is necessary to perform 3 times per 60 seconds. As coupling – 10 minute stretch of all muscles.


On the day of the circuit training, all exercises to be performed alternately on 15 repetitions. For training it is necessary to do 3 laps. To prepare the heart for the next load, the workout should include jogging in place. The exercise of a basic set:

  • "Plie squat";
  • "Push-ups";
  • "Butt bridge";
  • "Superman";
  • "Scissors";
  • Jump on the spot 30 times.

In hitch, you need to add breathing exercises to bring the heart rate to normal.


On the Day of the diet, and aerobic exercise. The main training consists of 3 sets of exercises, each one must be performed with 20 repetitions. Given the activity of the next workout, the workout should include a couple movement, warming joints, and ligaments. This activity consists of the exercise:

  • "Squats" with the rise of the hands in front of him;
  • "Diversion of his back legs" – run each foot over 20 reps;
  • "Backlinks" push-ups";
  • "Hyperextension";
  • "The bike".

As a hitch — a 5-minute stretch of the legs and back, and for the fat burning to go hiking for 30-45 minutes


You need to perform a workout with an emphasis on the problem areas. A short training session to compensate for rotational movements of the feet and hands. In order to improve the fat burning effect, all the exercises to do 20 repetitions in a circle, with the rest between sets to 30 seconds. Session do 2 laps, which include:

  • "Wide slots – every foot to do 20 reps;
  • "Pumps of the wall";
  • "Butt bridge";
  • "Unfold the arms to the top" with the light of the dumbbell until the
  • "Superman";
  • "Mahi foot in the ribs";
  • "Torsion";
  • Jump rope for 30 seconds.

During a hitch, well stretch the muscles of the hands and feet, do some breathing exercises.


The workout to follow the maximum number of muscles, to do this, perform 2 sets of all exercises. To improve the results of the lesson, the training must include mahi, the rotation of the hands and feet, as well as turns and slopes of the shell. In each approach, do 15 reps of the following exercises:

  • Short slots – every walk do 15 reps;
  • "Diversion of his back legs" – do 15 reps each leg;
  • "Bridge";
  • "Push-ups";
  • "False above the ground" – 60 seconds.
  • "Strangle the palms of the hands together in front of chest";
  • "Torsion";
  • "The rotation of the feet" – on each side of 15 reps.

As hitch do 50 jumps on the spot and stretching whole body.


Add in the exercise training study of issues. In the first part of the to perform alternating exercises on the feet – 2 at the approach of 15 reps, after this, just work the upper body. The abdominal exercises are performed separately. Enable the drive of the race on the spot, with the rise of the knees, and in the training:

  • "Squats";
  • "Diversion of his back legs";
  • "Side unleashed";
  • "Butt bridge";
  • Before you simulate the top to make 50 jumps on the spot;
  • "Bench press with dumbbells lying down";
  • "Superman";
  • "Push-ups";
  • "False above the ground" – 60 seconds.

To improve gerogianni perform jump rope 2 times in 60 seconds. Hitch, you must start with breathing exercises and stretching of the legs.


On the day of the recovery of muscles and active aerobic exercise, you need to go for a stroll in a period of 60 minutes To start the process of hormonal, before musical cardio party to perform with the two approaches for the year to the press:

  • "Twist" – on the maximum number of times.
  • "Bike" – 20 repetitions each leg.
  • "The side slopes are only 50 replicates.

For an aesthetic of thinness and maintain the tone needed every day exercises for the muscles of the whole body, as well as the strict observance of the diet and aerobic exercise load. Need to explore and observe a good technique to avoid injury and improve the effectiveness of exercises at home.